How to Grow your Online presence in Five Easy Steps
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Growing your online presence can seem tricky when you're starting your own business or marketing yourself online, but here are FIVE easy steps to grow your online presence.
Don't have time to read the post? Click here to download the Online Presence Action Plan now!
1. Plan your foundation.
Write down ONE big goal that you would like to reach by the end of the year/quarter/month etc. Break it down and then work backwards.
Example: BIG goal: Reach 1,000 subscribers on YouTube.
Breakdown: Each week I will post ONE video to youtube and promote it everywhere online to grow my subscriber count.
Note: Of course there are more things that you can do, but make this simple at first and then move up from there.
By setting a realistic goal, you will be able to focus on your ONE big goal in a timely matter. You can break down the goals by months, quarters, year, etc. Choose a timeframe that works best for you.
I usually choose ONE big goal, and then 4 quarterly goals but it is completely up to you.Related Content:
2. Know your strengths.
Write down 50-100 things that you’re good at to build your confidence.
Writing prompts for this could be:
I’ve always enjoyed... because it doesn’t seem like work to me.
People always tell me I’m good at...
I’m most excited when...
I’m awesome at....
When you know your strengths, it will help you get in the right mindset to grow your online presence with confidence.
3. Test your ideas.
By testing out your ideas you will learn how to see what works and what needs to be tweaked. Write down EVERYTHING that you can think of that you might need to do to create that kind of content and then test out your idea.
What do you need to do to create ____________?
If you’re going to create a blog post you’ll want to write down all of the steps needed like research topic, draft blog post, create blog graphic/other images, edit post, publish post, promote/share post, and etc.
Workflows will help you stay on track.
I like to use trello for tracking all of my workflows.
Here's an example of my blogging workflow:
4. Plan out your content calendar.
It's truly up to you on how you plan out your editorial calendar, everyone plans things differently so do what works best for you!
I like to use a combination of both written and digital for planning out content.
I'll use a paper calendar and write in when I'll post content or I'll use post-it notes and rearrange content depending on the week.
Then I add these to trello so I can edit it if I'm not near my paper calendar. I also have an ongoing list of possible blog post ideas on trello as well.
To gain access to my Content Calendar Cheatsheet, download my Online Presence Action Plan!

Download the Action Plan
5. Take Action.
Once you have all of these together, go ahead and take action. Remember, Done well is better than done perfect!
data-animation-override> “Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy. ”
When you have an action plan you are more likely to follow through. If I can do these things, I know that you can too!
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Now tell me, which Step are you going to Take Action on to growing your Online Presence? Please, share I'd love to know!
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Hey there, I'm Lindsey the online educator behind I help action-taking business owners grow their online presence with confidence. I'm an introverted extrovert who loves tech systems, dark chocolate and lattes. Be sure to follow me on Pinterest here!
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