How to Create Quote Graphics for Social Media

Sometimes social media is more than just a pretty photo, when you USE words on your graphics, you are able to connect with your audience, ask questions and provide inspiration.
I schedule my quote graphics on other platforms to grow my reach and recycle them regularly. When I started sharing quote graphics on Instagram and Twitter, I noticed a huge difference in engagement and shares!! I want this for you too!
This is the EXACT process that I use when I create quote graphics.
Step 1: Find a quotation to share.
To make things easy on myself I have a Pinterest board full of quotes to choose from. You could also keep a word document or spreadsheet as well.
Want to copy + Paste Quotes for your Quote graphics?
Download my FREE PDF full of all of my favorite quotes!
Step 2: Create the Graphic.
Note: I use Canva to create mine. Here's a example:
Using words on your social media graphics, helps you connect and grow! Tweet That!
Step 3: Share on social media!
Software / Apps you can use to create Quote Graphics:
Canva (
Word Swag (
PicMonkey (
Over (
Pablo (
Design Wizard (
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